Thank You, Teachers

Dear Teachers,

Thank you! Thank you for loving literacy and children. You’ve participated in professional development through courses, workshops, webinars, book studies, podcasts, and Twitter chats. You consider yourself as much a learner as a teacher and are using best teaching practices with your students. You’ve designed engaging lessons and curated a well-used classroom library. And you’ve done all of this for the benefit of young readers and writers!


Thank you for integrating WriteReader into your literacy programs and promoting us through social media, podcasts, and workshops. Through social media, teachers from around the world have been granted a glimpse into your classrooms and have seen the wonderful things that you and your students are doing with our app. Most importantly, you’ve told us how your students’ ability and confidence have grown as a result. Amazing!


WriteReader has seen tremendous growth in the first half of this year and we look forward to more exciting things on the horizon. Our user base has grown significantly and we are now seeing teachers using WriteReader across all states in the US and high growth in countries like Denmark, Canada, Sweden, Ireland, and Australia. Currently, we have versions of our app in English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch and … we’re very excited about the recent release of the Mexican Spanish version. Another exciting development is that we are now fully integrated with Google Classroom. Our growth is due in part to your use, feedback, and promotion of our product. We’re deeply grateful and couldn’t be prouder.


Thank you, teachers, for being part of our global learning community! And now – rest, have fun, and re-energize. Have a great summer!

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Thank You, Teachers

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