Author name: Janus Madsen

Enhancing Primary Education with The SAMR Model and WriteReader

In today’s classrooms, understanding how to integrate digital tools into learning effectively is crucial. The SAMR Model, developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, provides a framework for educators to evaluate and elevate their use of technology. By categorizing technology use into four levels this model helps teachers design learning experiences that enhance traditional tasks and transform […]

Enhancing Primary Education with The SAMR Model and WriteReader Read More »

Rowan-Salisbury School District (NC) Partners with WriteReader to Enhance Literacy for 18,000 Students

We are excited to announce another district partnership to increase elementary students’ writing and reading skills. Our ESL department has seen great success with WriteReader over the past few years, and we are thrilled to expand it to over 600 elementary teachers across the entire district. WriteReader’s unique features—like the feedback tool, book printing, and

Rowan-Salisbury School District (NC) Partners with WriteReader to Enhance Literacy for 18,000 Students Read More »

Preparing for English Language Proficiency Assessments with WriteReader

Preparing ML/ESL students for English Language Proficiency assessments is essential for their academic success and overall well-being. These assessments provide valuable information for progress tracking, program evaluation, and individual student support. By helping students succeed on this important assessment, teachers can ensure that students have the language skills they need to thrive in their educational

Preparing for English Language Proficiency Assessments with WriteReader Read More »

From Phonics to Comprehension: WriteReader’s Alignment with Core Reading Skills

Comprehensive reading instruction includes five essential components: phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. WriteReader is specifically designed to support these components, offering a range of tools that enhance instruction and provide students with opportunities to practice these skills independently, with embedded support. Phonological Awareness WriteReader helps students engage with the sounds of language as

From Phonics to Comprehension: WriteReader’s Alignment with Core Reading Skills Read More »

WriteReader Assessment: Empowering Early Literacy

We are thrilled to announce that WriteReader is one of the winners of the MIT Solve global challenge supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in AI-enabled assessments! Winning this challenge is just the beginning. At WriteReader, we are committed to advancing educational technology to create meaningful and impactful learning experiences for students worldwide. Helping

WriteReader Assessment: Empowering Early Literacy Read More »

Ämnesöverskridande skrivande med fokus på tilltro till egen förmåga

Under sina år på lågstadiet ska eleverna utveckla sin tilltro till att använda språket för att kommunicera och reflektera som ett verktyg för att bli fullvärdiga samhällsmedborgare. Att ha ett rikt språk där man kan tänka och tala kring sina kunskaper och åsikter är avgörande för att skapa självförtroende och grundlägga det demokratiska synsätt vårt

Ämnesöverskridande skrivande med fokus på tilltro till egen förmåga Read More »

Preserve Indigenous Language with Dictionaries in WriteReader

After reading the powerful story Stolen Words, by Melanie Florence, to 2nd graders, we wanted to create an opportunity for students to discover, hear, and interact with indigenous languages. WriteReader was the perfect solution to this, as its simple format and usability made it easy for students to interact with the tool along with an

Preserve Indigenous Language with Dictionaries in WriteReader Read More »


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