Filling the Literacy Gap with WriteReader

It has been a turbulent year, to say the least, but we have been witness to how teachers have been able to manage and provide valuable education to their students. We are happy to see that WriteReader has played a part to assist teachers to maintain their student’s literacy skills. We have received the below feedback from a teacher in Maryland, US.

On a roll

By Sedonna Knight, 2nd Grade Reading Teacher at Roscoe Nix Elementary School, Montgomery County, MD.

Since been introduced to WriteReader my class has been “on a roll”. The students love the fact that they get to be creative in choosing illustrations from the gallery, uploading their own illustrations, and taking their pictures to create a “get to know the author” introduction. 

This platform has provided me with the opportunity to make edits to my student’s work on a virtual platform in real-time! Students are then able to make the necessary corrections to their written work.

Authentic writers

The excitement of creating their stories as independently as possible and seeing it as a book that they can share with others makes the process so much more interesting and engaging for them.  

I also love that I can make edits on their pages and they can use this to correct their mistakes. Another feature that I love is the ability to hide or share their classmates’  books. This ensures that students are working as independently as possible, while still providing them with the opportunity to collaborate when necessary. 

My only regret is that it took me so long to find out about this amazing resource. 

Kudos to you WriteReader for making writing fun, while providing us with the amazing opportunity to become authentic writers! 

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Filling the Literacy Gap with WriteReader

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