How WriteReader Supports Science of Reading
WriteReader empowers K-5 teachers with an easy-to-use tool for implementing evidence-based reading and writing instruction. With minimal planning and quick steps, WriteReader can supplement any curriculum across all content areas while motivating students to become confident, independent writers and readers.
Science of Reading
WriteReader provides teachers with a tool that aligns with science-based practices that support systematic, explicit instruction. Students can transfer newly acquired decoding skills with the ready-to-go templates and book creation options.

A Simple View of Reading
The WriteReader app helps students develop language comprehension and decoding skills through the creation of multimedia books with embedded support features.
Designing books with WriteReader is quick, easy, and engaging.
Writing Develops the Reader
Decoding and encoding are reciprocal processes. WriteReader supports the development of all levels of encoding and decoding with editable templates and endless opportunities for students to write creatively in all subjects.

Encoding and Literacy Development
The WriteReader phonics templates pair the explicit decoding skill instruction with encoding practice to enhance word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. New templates can be created to align and match any curriculum materials quickly and easily, saving valuable instructional time.
Developing Skills with Context
The process of encoding enhances the development of the orthographic lexicon which is the bank of words a student can read automatically without needing to apply decoding skills. When using WriteReader students are applying and building these skills within a context. The context establishes meaning to deepen the understanding and develop stronger word recognition skills.

Speech to Print and Print to Speech
Speech-to-print audio support can be embedded into templates to guide students in their efforts to encode. There is also a print-to-speech option at the letter and word level. Teachers can differentiate audio support to meet specific learning needs. Writers can access the audio recordings for guidance while working independently.
The Five Components of Reading
WriteReader provides tools to support instruction in the five components of reading and opportunities for students to practice skills with embedded support. Teachers can monitor students as they are writing to provide real-time feedback.

Teacher’s guide and five Science of Reading templates

Read the Teacher’s Guide about how the WriteReader phonics series support and transfer the student’s acquired skills about short vowels into writing.